The Tin Type Trailer now has a beautiful new logo, designed
and Illustrated by Bridget Hines, a Manchester based graphic artist/designer; whose work spans from web design to hand-painted typography.
and Illustrated by Bridget Hines, a Manchester based graphic artist/designer; whose work spans from web design to hand-painted typography.
I am also beginning to fix beading and trimmings to the walls and have started painting some of the inside of the Tin Type Trailer, next up will be choosing and painting the outside. So many colours to choose from…
Using projection we have begun to make & hand paint side panels which will fix on to the outside of the main body of the trailer.
The inside is coming along too, the wagon style ceiling which has been made steam bent oak strips, slotting them into place to hold a layer of insulation and then a layer of calico, giving the trailer and well insulated and traditional finish.
There is now also a self made worktop, which has been designed to accommodate the dark box, which I am currently designing & making to fit inside the trailer, at Glen’s Yurt Factory studio/workshop.